Arusha Project

What my experience means to me
July 15, 2009, 1:23 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

by Veronica Fuog

I have only half a week left here in Arusha, and I cannot believe how quickly the other 31/2 have flown by! This experience has been more than just working with an organization and attempting to learn Swahili as quickly as possible. Being in Tanzania has made us question the things we take for granted, left us in awe of the generosity of the people here, made us laugh as we tried a new style of dancing, and led us to funny and deep conversations in the house in the evening after the power has randomly gone off.

For the past 31/2 weeks I have been working at an organization called Faraja Women Empowerment. I have had the opportunity to work closely with the organization’s director, Sister Felly, who is one of the most driven and generous women I have ever met. I got to meet about 30 women who invited us into their homes and told us their family history, about their hardship, their business plan, and why they want a microloan from Faraja. I’ve also visited women who are requesting their 4th loan from Faraja, and the visible difference of their standard of living is astounding. Loan distribution days were some of my favorites. After the entire application process was completed, the groups of 5 women each who were accepted into Faraja’s microloan program all gathered at a church, a central location. After each group recieved their money, they often yelled or sang with excitement. It’s so wonderful so see how grateful they are, and know how big a difference a loan could have. These women have such determination to expand their business and pay back their loan themselves, with interest. It’s really inspiring!

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